Java program..
what is java?
why we use java ?
Java gets its colossal notoriety from is stage autonomy. Java just necessities a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to be introduced to work, whether or not it is introduced in a work area PC running Windows, Linux, or Unix, a Macintosh PC, a cell phone or a centralized server PC. Here are a few normal spots you'll see Java.
Android Applications:
Most Android applications use Java API or are written in Java, to such an extent that Java is regularly viewed as the authority programming language for portable application advancement.
Work area GUI Applications:
Many work area applications are created in Java. Swing, Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) and JavaFX are the primary instruments utilized for simple GUI improvement.
Electronic Applications:
Java is regularly utilized to foster a wide scope of intelligent sites and online applications found in the protection, government backed retirement, schooling and wellbeing areas.
Monetary and Retail Services:
Java is utilized to compose exchange the executives and charging applications, just as server-side applications.
Science and Research:
Java is established researchers' leaned toward language for a wide scope of numerical estimations and other logical activities. It can manage colossal datasets and enormous information innovations since it's utilized for MATLAB and the Hadoop MapReduce system.